AgilePOD®: Pop-up, fully powered, accessible acoustic pods for your office


Conference Room Pods

In today's fast-paced corporate world, finding the delicate balance between collaboration and privacy has become a top priority for businesses. The need to create functional meeting spaces that foster productivity while ensuring confidentiality has led to a rising demand for innovative solutions. Here at AgileAcoustics we are a leading company specialising in the design, manufacture, and installation of conference room pods, present a game-changing answer to this challenge.

Pop-up conference meeting spaces

At AgileAcoustics, we understand the critical role that conference rooms play in facilitating effective communication, brainstorming sessions, and decision-making. To meet the diverse needs of modern workplaces, we have developed conference room pods – we call ours AgilePODs - that combine exceptional acoustic design, full accessibility, portability, and quick installation. These cutting-edge features make our conference room pods an ideal choice for businesses striving to optimise their office environment.

Whether you are a large corporation, a start-up, or a flexible workspace provider, our AgilePOD conference room pods offer the perfect solution to transform your office into a hub of collaboration, efficiency, and confidentiality.

The power of acoustic design

In an era of open office layouts and shared workspaces, the challenge of creating an environment that fosters focused discussions and ensures privacy has become paramount. We understand the significance of acoustic design in conference rooms and have incorporated cutting-edge features into our office pods to address this crucial aspect.

At AgileAcoustics, we prioritise the creation of an optimal acoustic environment within our AgilePOD conference room pods. We recognise that excessive noise and distractions can hinder productivity and communication during meetings, leading to decreased efficiency and potential misunderstandings. To combat these challenges, our conference room pods are meticulously engineered to provide exceptional sound insulation.

Full Accessibility - Wheelchair Compliant

We understand the importance of providing an inclusive space where employees with mobility challenges can actively engage in meetings and discussions. That's why our conference room pods feature wide doorways and ramp accessibility, allowing smooth entry and exit for wheelchair users. These thoughtful design elements eliminate barriers and create an environment that promotes inclusivity and equal opportunities for all.

By incorporating full accessibility into our office pods, we enable businesses to comply with accessibility standards and regulations while fostering a culture of diversity and inclusion. Whether it's employees, clients, or visitors with mobility limitations, AgileAcoustics' conference room pods offer a welcoming and accommodating space where everyone can contribute and participate with ease.



Portability and flexibility combined

In today's dynamic work environment, businesses require office solutions that can adapt to evolving needs. Our AgilePOD conference room pods offer both portability and quick installation, making them an ideal choice for flexible workspaces.

AgilePOD conference room pods are designed with portability in mind, allowing for easy relocation within your office space. With their lightweight construction and smart design, our pods can be effortlessly moved to different areas, providing businesses with the flexibility to reconfigure their workspace as required. Whether you need to accommodate a larger team, create dedicated project rooms, or rearrange your office layout, our range of office pods offers the versatility you need.

Last and by no means least, we understand that time is of the essence when implementing office solutions. That's why we prioritise quick installation to minimise disruption to your daily operations. Our conference room pods are pre-fabricated, allowing for efficient assembly on-site. With our streamlined installation process, your conference room can be up and running in no time, ensuring a seamless transition and minimal downtime for your team.