AgilePOD®: Pop-up, fully powered, accessible acoustic pods for your office


Our Acoustic Office Pods

Acoustic Office Pods

Open plan offices are increasingly popular for their ability to encourage collaboration, creativity, and productivity among employees. However, the lack of privacy and distracting noises can make it difficult for staff to focus or make private calls. This is where acoustic office pods provide the perfect solution.

As pioneers in sound-absorbing office furniture, AgileAcoustics utilises cutting-edge noise reduction technology to create AgilePODs – portable, eco-friendly pods that block more ambient noise than traditional insulation.

Flexible office pods

What are the benefits of acoustic office pods?

As already mentioned, acoustic office pods offer a number of benefits for a wide range of types of office and workplace and environments. Here are just some of the advantages of installing an AgilePOD:

  •  AgilePODs are available in several innovative designs which include highly effective noise-absorbing properties to reduce noise and reverb.

  • Acoustic pods for offices are also ideal for use in various locations including public sector buildings, education and corporate settings. 

  • AgilePODs are perfect for a whole host of different uses such as quiet meeting spaces, a quiet haven to sit and think, making phone calls, zoom meetings and more. 

  • Our AgilePODs are fully portable which means they can be taken with you whether you move to new premises or simply decide to rearrange the office!

  • Accessibility is essential and AgilePODs have been designed with this mind. Unlike other acoustic booths or office pods, ours don’t have raised floors to ensure that they’re accessible and easy for everyone to use. 

  • AgilePODs are delivered fully powered with USB power, a light and charging point, so you can work all day without losing power. 

  • Installation is incredibly quick and simple as a new office meeting pod can be assembled in as little as 15 minutes. 

AgilePOD: acoustic pods created by AgileAcoustics

AgilePODs are designed with innovation and quality in mind to provide you with a cost-effective, long-term solution to the problem of excess office noise. Thanks to their fun and stylish cocoon-based design, AgilePODs are ideal for all office and workplace interiors. Your office POD can also be customised to match your company’s colours or branding!

Using acoustic office pods as phone booths

When we talk to people who work in large or open plan offices, they often complain of the difficulties of making important phone calls. This isn’t surprising as sound will reverberate around a large, open plan room which hasn’t been designed with acoustic comfort in mind. 

Our AgilePODs provide a highly effective solution to the problem by creating a quiet office space away from the noise of the office. With their unique acoustic panels, Our acoustic office pods enable acoustic comfort with a meeting space that’s ideal for phone calls, collaborative working or as a space to sit and unwind.