AgilePODS: How We Make Them Inclusive and Accessible

It’s hugely important to us that everyone can benefit from our acoustic pods; it’s just one of the many reasons we work so hard behind the scenes here at AgileAcoustics.

How do we ensure our AgilePODs are inclusive and accessible then?

For starters, acoustic pods that are flush with the floor are made with wheelchair users in mind, too, with the openings of AgilePODs being around 900mm wide. That way, anyone who uses a wheelchair to get around will find it’s always a breeze to get in and out of our pods and enjoy a meeting free from distractions.

Plus, in our larger pods – AgilePOD#1 and AgilePOD#5 – wheelchair users have the space to exit forwards and in reverse.

For the interior and colour contrast, we offer a vast range of fabric shades, to ensure those who are visually impaired can make the most of our pods with few disturbances. Contrasting the shades with the colours on the floor space – for example, grey walls and grey floor coverings simply won’t work – we offer a whole host of combinations that will stand out for all the right reasons.

Our wall sockets also come in different colours to ensure 30 LRV BS8300 visual guidelines are always met


Folding Desks for Even Easier Access for All

We ensure the desks within the pods are at least 700mm high, too. Some are as high as 800mm – and in our AgilePOD#6, the desk folds away for even easier access.

When it comes to lighting, we can supply pods with a handy timer cut-off, ensuring anyone can set the lights to automatically turn off after a set time period. For neurodivergent and visually impaired users, dimmed lighting can be fitted to allow the lighting to be adjusted to meet everyone’s needs.

AgilePODs allow users to have their back to the outside world, but we also appreciate that, within the neurodivergent community, this may not always offer the best level of comfort. With that in mind, we can manufacture pods that allow users to sit to the side, or even, in our larger, two-person pods (thanks to the addition of loose furniture), choose a position to work from that suits them.

Can we improve our pods further still? Let us Know…

Inclusivity and accessibility have always been key considerations here at AgileAcoustics.

Of course, we are still learning lots about this very important requirement – and if you think we can improve any of our acoustic pods, we would love to hear from you via email ( or telephone (01274 669823).


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