Here’s a Smarter Way to Organise Your Office Essentials…Say Hello to the AgileSHELF

Anyone who reads our blog posts regularly will know we love nothing more than coming up with new and exciting concepts with business owners in mind. It’s our aim to make your working life easier, while ensuring your office, boardroom or breakout area always looks the part and offers unrivalled sound absorbing qualities.

With that in mind…allow us to introduce the latest innovation direct from AgileAcoustics’ new Salts Mill-based HQ: the AgileSHELF. But this isn’t just any shelf *puts on sultry M&S advert voice*…this is an aesthetically pleasing yet practical design which can benefit pretty much any space.

Reposition Your AgileSHELF in Seconds

What’s that, you say? All shelves are practical? They are indeed. But the AgileSHELF can be repositioned in mere seconds, thanks to its slotted acoustic fascia. So, when you fancy rejigging your workspace and changing the height of your individual shelves, that’s absolutely no problem.

Let’s not forget the unique sound absorption properties of these shelves, too. Well, it wouldn’t be an AgileAcoustics’ product if it didn’t make your workspace more comfortable by reducing sound reverberation. Let’s take a closer look at the AgileSHELF and how it can work for you…


As you can see, the slotted acoustic fascia is designed with our moveable shelves in mind. Extremely easy to install, the shelves themselves are attached to complementing, coloured wood panels, featuring convenient slots for easy hanging of your AgileSHELF.

As is the case with all AgileAcoustics’ innovations, you can choose your acoustic shelves in shades that perfectly match your décor – and we can tailor the product, if required, to fit just about any space.

Produced with organic dyes and ideal for interior use, the acoustic panels, fretwork fascia and shelves are ecologically friendly and can be used in all kinds of settings, from boardrooms and office rooms to open plan areas and co-working spaces – and their USP is their optimum functionality.

Design Your Own Scheme

With four screws per acoustic panel, the moveable shelves can simply be lifted and slotted into another fascia, with the design and colours completely driven by you: our loyal clients. If required, we can change the design of the shelves and the acoustic panels they’re attached to.


Lightweight and easy to attach, the shelves are perfect for storing and displaying stationery, plants or other decorative items.

Our founder, Stuart Jones, is thrilled with this latest innovation from the team: “We only launched the AgileSHELF a fortnight or so ago and we’ve been inundated with enquiries already – we haven’t even had time to get the product live on the site; the enquiries were a result of an email sent to existing clients! We couldn’t be more pleased with the feedback the product’s been getting, with an enquiry from as far away as the Middle East.”

What’s next for AgileAcoustics? Watch this Space

So, what’s next for the hard-working AgileAcoustics team? After last year’s 50 Products in 50 Weeks challenge, you think we’d be done on the innovation front for a little while. But that isn’t the case, with new products on the way very soon – watch this space.

Want to know more about how the AgileSHELF might work for your space? Get in touch with our team and we’d be more than happy to send you some more details.


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