’50 New Products in 50 weeks’: can we do it?!

We don’t do New Year’s resolution’s by halves here at AgileAcoustics. It’s the reason we’ve set ourselves the ultimate challenge for 2019: create 50 new products in 50 weeks – and we’ve already launched the first one!

Of course, you’ve got to start strong with any goal – but do you think we’ll get through the entire year without skipping a week? You’ll have to stay tuned here on our blog to find out.

So, how did we come up with the idea to create 50 products in as little as 50 weeks? After a brainstorm here in the AgileAcoustics office, we just knew it made sense. We’re all about innovation here at our Bradford HQ, after all. We’re great at putting our heads together and devising new ideas, so why not put ourselves to task and do it more often?


As we said earlier, our first product is already here. It’s our Agile Edison freestanding acoustic screen and we’re really proud to get it launched and kick off what will be a great year of innovations for AgileAcoustics.

So, what is the Edison? Also known as the AgileSCREEN, the product takes its sub-name from one of the world’s most respected inventors – Thomas Edison. He was known for the phonograph and the motion picture camera, amongst other inventions, so we figured we just had to name our revolutionary new product after him.

The screen itself offers something different for the workplace in that it’s completely unique to the ubiquitous flat panel screen. What’s more, it can be upholstered in a range of colours to suit your office interiors – and it offers Class A acoustic performance too. Well, would you expect anything less from an AgileAcoustics product?

Want to follow our ’50 products in 50 weeks’ progress?


We’re keen to launch one new product every week until Christmas 2019 – and we’d love you to join us for the ride; it’s certainly going to be an interesting one.

We’ll be documenting the journey over on our brand-new Instagram page, so why not head over there and hit the ‘Follow’ button? You’ll see that we’ve already been adding some imagery and products, so there’s plenty to feast your eyes on.


Introducing the AgilePLINTH


Christmas is Coming…But We’re Still Innovating!